
Nova Scotia Water

The Nova Scotia Water data set (i.e., the Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network) and supporting data are provided by the Nova Scotia Geospatial Data Directory.

These data were obtained under an Unrestricted Data Use License Agreement for Government Geographic Data as specified by the Province of Nova Scotia Geospatial Data Directory.


Microsoft U.S. Building Footprints

The Microsoft U.S. Building Footprints data set is a collection of ~130 million polygon outlines of buildings derived from satellite imagery. The version of the data set in this repository is does not include Alaska or Hawaii, is repackaged as a single point for each building, and compressed using ZSTD compression to minimize file size and facilitate downloading.

The original data is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) and is made available here under the same license.



These files are toy example files useful for testing and simple examples. Their main purpose is to make it easy to test full coverage of the geometry type/dimension/coordinate type grid. The examples are based on the wk R package’s wk::wk_example_wkt data set.
